Ditch the Booze and Get Healthy:

30-Day Habit Reset!

By Life With Gentry

What if there was a way to make recovery work smarter, not harder, for less than you spend on alcohol a month?

I'm in!


FREE 7-Day Morning Reset!

Ready, set—let’s start your transformation today!

Give me the goods

Are you...

1. Curious about taking a break from alcohol for 30 days and using healthy habits to excel and grow?

2. Already sober but feeling stuck with your recovery and health and ready to reignite your growth?

If you answered "yes" to either of these, keep reading! 👇

Does this sound like you...

Overwhelmed by recovery: You spend hours in your head, only to feel like you're shouting into the void with little progress.

Stuck in a rut: You feel like you’re wasting precious time doing what you've always done, trying to stay hopeful but feeling drained and unproductive.

Lacking clear strategy: You’re unsure what to change or how to change it, leading to a scattered and inconsistent lifestyle.

Struggling to connect: You find it difficult to build genuine relationships amidst the noise of your insecurities.

Seeing minimal results: You’re frustrated by the lack of measurable impact from your efforts, questioning if it's even worth it.

Now imagine this...

  • Comprehensive Guidance: Dive into 5 expertly crafted chapters designed to help you understand your relationship with your bad habits, prepare for success, and navigate social situations with ease.
  • Proven Strategies: Learn how to set realistic goals, identify triggers, and create a support system that will empower you to maintain your success long after the challenge ends.
  • Exclusive Community Access: Connect with like-minded individuals in our private Facebook group, where you’ll find encouragement, share experiences, and receive ongoing support—all with lifetime access.
  • Reusable Workbook: Utilize a detailed, 30-day workbook that guides you through each day of the challenge. You can reuse this workbook every month to continually strengthen your resolve and build healthier habits.
  • Affordable Investment: For just $57, you’ll receive lifetime access to valuable resources, expert coaching, and a supportive community that will help you achieve lasting change.

Imagine this: A recovery that's actually easy and FUN. No more feeling stuck, wondering where to start. No more feeling overwhelmed by the constant pressure to get sober and get healthy.

I'm here to tell you that there's a proven system designed by experienced life and recovery coaches to make your life easier...

Introducing the Quit Drinking & Get Healthy 30-Day Habit Reset — a complete recovery and healthy habit solution specifically for busy goal chasers like you. We'll help you break free from the endless chase and embrace the power from within.

Total Value: $550

  • Expert Coaching and Guidance: A structured program with expert guidance through three key chapters. - Value: $200
  • Exclusive Facebook Community with Lifetime Access: Ongoing support, community connection, and access to resources. - Value: $150
  • Reusable 30-Day Workbook: A detailed, reusable guide to help reinforce habits every month. - Value: $100
  • Proven Strategies and Tools: Access to practical tools and strategies for long-term success. - Value: $100
  • Affordable Investment: What participants will pay for this valuable package. - Total Actual Cost: $57


Quit Drinking and Get Healthy 30-Day Habit Reset!

Ready, set—let’s start your transformation today!

I'm a Certified Life and Recovery Coach. Here's why I'm a great fit for you...

  • As someone who has navigated through personal challenges such as overcoming alcoholism and managing the complexities of divorce while raising four boys, I understand the journey from the trenches and can empathize with your starting point on a profound level.
  • With certifications in life and recovery coaching, I am dedicated to continuous personal development. My passion for growth and learning allows me to share insights and strategies that have accelerated my own journey, offering you a fast track to transformation.
  • Embracing imperfection, I prioritize progress over perfection. Rather than imposing unattainable standards, I provide practical tools and support to help you improve by just 1 percent each day, fostering sustainable growth and lasting change.
  • Leveraging my natural ability as a reflector in human design, I possess a unique talent for mirroring your energy and guiding you to see yourself more clearly. This heightened self-awareness empowers you to identify areas for growth and unlock your full potential.
  • Recognizing the overwhelm many face, I focus on simplifying rather than adding to your plate. By targeting mindset shifts and removing unnecessary burdens, we create space for clarity and progress, allowing you to thrive with a lighter load.
  • Rooted in a legacy of educators and coaches, I am driven by a deep-seated commitment to supporting others through education and motivation. With unwavering belief in your ability to break free from limitations, I am dedicated to guiding you towards your goals and beyond, ensuring you never walk the journey alone.
  • Whether you're engaged in our supportive community or receiving personalized 1-on-1 coaching, you'll never walk the journey alone. With abundant support and encouragement every step of the way, you can confidently navigate challenges and celebrate victories as you progress towards your goals.
Coach Me!

I'm a Certified Life and Recovery Coach. Here's why I'm a great fit for you...

  • As someone who has navigated through personal challenges such as overcoming alcoholism and managing the complexities of divorce while raising four boys, I understand the journey from the trenches and can empathize with your starting point on a profound level.
  • With certifications in life and recovery coaching, I am dedicated to continuous personal development. My passion for growth and learning allows me to share insights and strategies that have accelerated my own journey, offering you a fast track to transformation.
  • Embracing imperfection, I prioritize progress over perfection. Rather than imposing unattainable standards, I provide practical tools and support to help you improve by just 1 percent each day, fostering sustainable growth and lasting change.
  • Leveraging my natural ability as a reflector in human design, I possess a unique talent for mirroring your energy and guiding you to see yourself more clearly. This heightened self-awareness empowers you to identify areas for growth and unlock your full potential.
  • Recognizing the overwhelm many face, I focus on simplifying rather than adding to your plate. By targeting mindset shifts and removing unnecessary burdens, we create space for clarity and progress, allowing you to thrive with a lighter load.
  • Rooted in a legacy of educators and coaches, I am driven by a deep-seated commitment to supporting others through education and motivation. With unwavering belief in your ability to break free from limitations, I am dedicated to guiding you towards your goals and beyond, ensuring you never walk the journey alone.
  • Whether you're engaged in our supportive community or receiving personalized 1-on-1 coaching, you'll never walk the journey alone. With abundant support and encouragement every step of the way, you can confidently navigate challenges and celebrate victories as you progress towards your goals.


"After falling back into the trap of being a daily drinker and smoker, I was gaining a lot of weight, and overall found myself needing to “numb out” to get through the stresses of daily life.  I knew I needed help so I turned to ‘Life with Gentry’ for support and I haven’t looked back!  I just hit 3 months without drinking/smoking, I’ve lost a bunch of weight, and I’ve created a daily habit routine that sets me up for success throughout my day while allowing me to level up as a Father, Husband, Friend and Employer.


If you’re looking to get back on track and level up your life, I highly recommend reaching out to Gentry!"

- Josh (Portland, OR)

"After a couple months of feeling down and in a slump I started my search for a coach and after many failed attempts I got connected with Gentry and never looked back! I feel on track with my goals and was guided to a confidence I didn’t know I could possess. Her open communication, educated advice, and compassion to understanding my roadblocks as well as my strengths; were a game changer. I feel more confident, prepared, and inspired to look at every obstacle and celebration in my life differently. My goals are coming to light and I have an extra pep in my step. I can’t recommend her as a coach (or person) enough!"


- Katrina (Erie, PA)

"When I started looking at my life, I realized I was not happy and I was settling because fear was big part of my life. I have always set goals and never been able to achieve them, so I decided to take the plunge and started working with a life coach, Gentry. Since doing so I have noticed changes in me. I have someone helping me setting goals and creating actionable steps and I have noticed since working with her my confidence has been boosted."

- Alexandrea (Buffalo, NY)

I'm here to tell you what you went through may not have been your fault but it is now your responsibility.


Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • FEELING STUCK. You wish you could have make a game plan and stick to it instead.
  • OVERWHELMED. You're ready for an easier way to organize your time - one that doesn't leave you feeling stressed.
  • UNSATISFIED. You want to find true joy in your journey, and you've waited for it long enough.

The 30 Day Habit Reset is the proven path to turn your obstacles into opportunities.

Imagine how incredible it's gonna feel when you

have a community of misfits that GET you, have a step-by-step guide to overcoming your obstacles through healthier mindset habits AND have weekly check-ins for accountability and support.

It's not your fault you don't have this yet. There were 3 things working against you:

Myth #1: I don't need this! I can do it all on my own.

While independence is admirable, there's immense value in community and connection. None of us have to navigate life's challenges alone. By being part of a supportive community, you gain access to diverse perspectives, valuable insights, and a network of like-minded individuals who can offer guidance and encouragement. Even if you're confident in your abilities, collaborating with others can elevate your efforts and accelerate your progress. Our community provides a space where you can share experiences, learn from others, and find inspiration. Together, we can achieve far more than we ever could alone. I invite you to embrace the power of connection and join us on this journey of growth and transformation.

Myth #2: I don't have time.

I understand time can feel scarce, but often it's not about having more time, it's about using it more effectively. Consider how much time might be wasted with unproductive mindsets or pursuing the wrong game plans. Our weekly meetings serve as a valuable jumpstart, offering insights and strategies to optimize your time and efforts. And here's the beauty: if you can't make it, everything is available on replay. Plus, our community is accessible 24/7, so you can engage whenever it suits you best. By investing a small portion of your time each week, you're setting yourself up for success in the long run, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.

Myth #3: I don't have money to invest in myself.

I completely understand that finances can be tight for many of us. However, when we talk about investing in ourselves, it's not always about spending large sums of money. Have you ever considered taking a closer look at how much you spend on alcohol each month? Often, we're surprised by the numbers. Just imagine reallocating even a fraction of that towards personal growth—buying books, taking online courses, or attending workshops. These investments in yourself pay off in the long run, opening doors to new opportunities and greater fulfillment. It doesn't have to be a drastic shift overnight; even small changes can make a difference. I'm here to support you every step of the way as you embark on this journey of self-investment.


I get it because I’ve been there too.

I get it because I've been through it too. I've walked through the tough terrain of life, enduring a divorce, battling addiction to get sober, raising four boys as a single mom, facing financial obstacles, and wrestling with the weight of depression and anxiety. I know the uphill climb, the moments of despair, and the feeling that nobody truly understands. But I also know that there's a path forward, and I'm here to guide you on that journey.

Focusing on my health, habits, and happiness was the turning point in my life. It's where I found the strength to conquer my demons, build a foundation of resilience, and achieve genuine happiness. These changes weren't just about improving my physical well-being, but about nurturing my mental and emotional health too. This transformation allowed me to grow into the person I am today, and it's my mission to help you discover the same potential within yourself. Together, we can take that first step towards a brighter, healthier, and happier future.

"I’ve been blessed beyond measure by Gentry. Who knew that a person that I never knew just what I needed and how I needed it and when I needed. I attribute where I am on my journey to her."

- Robin

Flash forward a year from now. Just picture what's gonna be possible for you when you learn how to change your mindset and have a community to keep you accountable to your goals.

  • Renewed Confidence and Self-Esteem: By becoming a part of this community, individuals will experience a significant boost in their self-confidence and self-esteem. They will gain valuable insights, strategies, and the support system needed to overcome obstacles and achieve their health and happiness goals. As a result, they'll start believing in themselves again, unlocking their full potential, and taking on life's challenges with newfound assurance.
  • Vibrant Health and Well-Being: Your community will empower members to make positive changes in their daily routines, leading to better health and well-being. They'll discover sustainable habits that will increase their energy levels, improve overall fitness, and enhance their quality of life. Through shared experiences, they will be inspired to prioritize self-care and well-being, leading to a healthier, more vibrant life.
  • Isolation and Loneliness: Often, struggling with health and happiness challenges can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. By joining this community, individuals will no longer feel alone in their journey. The sense of belonging and the connections they forge will replace isolation with a sense of togetherness.
  • Genuine Connections and Lifelong Friendships: Joining this community means connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar struggles and goals. The support and camaraderie found here will foster genuine connections and lead to lasting friendships. These relationships will become a source of encouragement, motivation, and accountability, enriching their lives in ways they might not have expected.
  • Stagnation and Frustration: Stagnation in one's health, habits, and happiness can be incredibly frustrating. By embracing the resources and support within the community, individuals will leave behind the cycle of frustration and embark on a path of continuous growth and self-improvement. The feeling of being stuck will be replaced with a sense of progress and achievement.

Lucas used this program and monthly coaching to get unstuck in his life and gain accountability with his goals.

"Working with Gentry is great! She listens intently and asks good questions that help you get to the result of your issue and comes up with good steps to make the issue better. She also is honest and easy to talk to. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone. She is the best life coach!"

- Lucas

Pat invested in himself and was able to change his life completely.

"After participating in the Healthy Habit Bootcamp my life changed completely. It showed me so many different facets of my life that were in need of a change that I never thought would affect my day-to-day life. So many of the modules made you think and self-reflect and being able to review the modules anytime really helped me with my progress. My daily routines have changed so much, my relationship with food, my financial literacy and responsibility has increased. I’ve been meal prepping and working out consistently. Every day the things I’ve learned in boot camp pop up in my life to make me a better and happier man. Thank you Gentry."

- Pat