The Quitters Club

Coaching & Community

A community of people who have been through some sh*t, but ready to come back stronger than ever for only $7.00 for the first month!


The Quitters Club

Coaching & Community

A community of people who have been through some sh*t, but ready to come back stronger than ever for only $7.00 for the first month.


"I am grateful for this community and it's accountability."

- David

I'm here to tell you what you went through may not have been your fault but it is now your responsibility.


Tell me if this sounds like you:

  • FEELING STUCK. You wish you could have make a game plan and stick to it instead.
  • OVERWHELMED. You're ready for an easier way to organize your time - one that doesn't leave you feeling stressed.
  • UNSATISFIED. You want to find true joy in your journey, and you've waited for it long enough.

The Quitters Club Coaching & Community is the proven path to turn your obstacles into opportunities.

Maybe you aren't ready to jump straight into this community. I get it. Change is hard and scary and choosing to invest in yourself can be overwhelming. Grab a FREE 5 step guide to using habits to gain better health and increase happiness.

- A gift for you below! -

Imagine how incredible it's gonna feel when you

have a community of misfits that GET you, have a step-by-step guide to overcoming your obstacles through healthier mindset habits AND have weekly check-ins for accountability and support.

It's not your fault you don't have this yet. There were 3 things working against you:

Myth #1: No one else gets how hard it is.

We understand that it can often feel like nobody else understands the unique challenges you're facing. However, our online community is specifically designed to bring together individuals who are going through similar health and happiness journeys. You'll be amazed by the sense of belonging and camaraderie you'll find here. In our supportive and empathetic community, you'll discover that you're not alone in your struggles. There are people who have been where you are and are ready to offer guidance, support, and encouragement to help you overcome obstacles.

Myth #2: I don't have time.

It's a common misconception that self-improvement takes up too much time. Our online community is designed with your busy schedule in mind. We offer flexible access to resources, discussions, and support 24/7. Whether you have 5 minutes or an hour, you can find valuable insights, tips, and advice that will fit seamlessly into your daily routine. With our time-efficient approach to health, habits, and happiness, you'll discover that self-improvement can be integrated into your life without sacrificing your other commitments.

Myth #3: I don't have money to invest in myself.

Investing in your health, habits, and happiness is one of the best decisions you can make, but it doesn't have to break the bank. Our online community offers affordable membership options, ensuring that you can access the valuable resources and support you need without straining your budget. In fact, consider this an investment in yourself that can lead to long-term savings on healthcare costs and increased happiness. We believe in making self-improvement accessible to everyone, and our community is designed to provide tremendous value for a price that won't hurt your wallet. Your well-being is worth it!

I get it because I’ve been there too.

I get it because I've been through it too. I've walked through the tough terrain of life, enduring a divorce, battling addiction to get sober, raising four boys as a single mom, facing financial obstacles, and wrestling with the weight of depression and anxiety. I know the uphill climb, the moments of despair, and the feeling that nobody truly understands. But I also know that there's a path forward, and I'm here to guide you on that journey.

Focusing on my health, habits, and happiness was the turning point in my life. It's where I found the strength to conquer my demons, build a foundation of resilience, and achieve genuine happiness. These changes weren't just about improving my physical well-being, but about nurturing my mental and emotional health too. This transformation allowed me to grow into the person I am today, and it's my mission to help you discover the same potential within yourself. Together, we can take that first step towards a brighter, healthier, and happier future.


The Quitters Club

Coaching & Community

The go-to community for men and women going through tough days who want to turn their pain into purpose.


Here’s why this community is different than anything else out there:

  • Personalized Transformation: We understand that every journey is unique. What sets us apart is our commitment to tailoring guidance and support to your individual needs. Our community offers personalized coaching, allowing you to address your specific challenges and work towards your goals effectively.
  • Unmatched Energy and Support: Our community thrives on positivity and empowerment. The energy we bring to the table is unparalleled. Our weekly check-ins are not just routine; they are moments of inspiration and motivation. Our passionate and supportive members, including yourself, contribute to a vibrant atmosphere that propels everyone towards their best selves.
  • Interactive Coaching Calls: Unlike many one-size-fits-all programs, our interactive coaching calls provide direct engagement with experts who understand your struggles. These calls offer a platform for questions, discussions, and personalized feedback, making sure you're never left feeling stuck or unheard.
  • Holistic Approach to Well-Being: We believe in holistic well-being, addressing not just physical health but also mental and emotional wellness. Our community provides comprehensive resources, from fitness and nutrition to mindfulness and stress management. This approach enables you to foster a more balanced and joyful life.
  • Real, Lasting Change: Our focus is not just on short-term fixes but on long-term, sustainable change. We're here to equip you with the knowledge, tools, and the support system that can transform your habits and your life for good. The results and transformations within our community are genuine and lasting, ensuring that the investment you make will bring continuous returns in terms of health, habits, and happiness.

I know what you are thinking. This all SOUNDS great but are you really ready to invest in yourself?

If you aren't sure, start by grabbing my free guide that will help you jumpstart your health and fitness goals as well as increase your happiness.

"I’ve been blessed beyond measure by Gentry. Who knew that a person that I never knew just what I needed and how I needed it and when I needed. I attribute where I am on my journey to her."

- Robin

Flash forward a year from now. Just picture what's gonna be possible for you when you learn how to change your mindset and have a community to keep you accountable to your goals.

  • Renewed Confidence and Self-Esteem: By becoming a part of this community, individuals will experience a significant boost in their self-confidence and self-esteem. They will gain valuable insights, strategies, and the support system needed to overcome obstacles and achieve their health and happiness goals. As a result, they'll start believing in themselves again, unlocking their full potential, and taking on life's challenges with newfound assurance.
  • Vibrant Health and Well-Being: Your community will empower members to make positive changes in their daily routines, leading to better health and well-being. They'll discover sustainable habits that will increase their energy levels, improve overall fitness, and enhance their quality of life. Through shared experiences, they will be inspired to prioritize self-care and well-being, leading to a healthier, more vibrant life.
  • Isolation and Loneliness: Often, struggling with health and happiness challenges can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. By joining this community, individuals will no longer feel alone in their journey. The sense of belonging and the connections they forge will replace isolation with a sense of togetherness.
  • Genuine Connections and Lifelong Friendships: Joining this community means connecting with like-minded individuals who share similar struggles and goals. The support and camaraderie found here will foster genuine connections and lead to lasting friendships. These relationships will become a source of encouragement, motivation, and accountability, enriching their lives in ways they might not have expected.
  • Stagnation and Frustration: Stagnation in one's health, habits, and happiness can be incredibly frustrating. By embracing the resources and support within the community, individuals will leave behind the cycle of frustration and embark on a path of continuous growth and self-improvement. The feeling of being stuck will be replaced with a sense of progress and achievement.

Ready to join The Quitters Club Coaching & Community

Here's what you're getting when you enroll today:

  • Weekly Check-In Calls: These personalized check-ins help members stay accountable and motivated on their health and happiness journey. ($60/month value)
  • 3 Live Coaching Calls a Month: These live coaching sessions with you provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. Members can ask questions and get real-time assistance. ($225/month value)
  • Interactive App Community: Access to an interactive app community allows members to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive ongoing support and encouragement. ($20/month value)
  • Motivational Quotes and Encouragement: Start your day with a dose of inspiration! We provide daily motivational quotes and encouraging messages to keep you motivated, remind you of your inner strength, and help you stay positive and determined. ($60/month value)

Monthly Value: $365

Total Annual Value: $4,380

Today's Price: $7.00

for the first month then $47.00 each following month.


Start today for


then $47.00 following months

Need help ordering or have questions?

Send an email to and we'll get back to you ASAP.  

Ready to join The Quitters Club

Coaching & Community?

Here's what you're getting when you enroll today:

  • Weekly Check-In Calls: These personalized check-ins help members stay accountable and motivated on their health and happiness journey. ($60/month value)
  • 3 Live Coaching Calls a Month: These live coaching sessions with you provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. Members can ask questions and get real-time assistance. ($225/month value)
  • Interactive App Community: Access to an interactive app community allows members to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive ongoing support and encouragement. ($20/month value)
  • Daily Motivational Quotes and Encouragement: Start your day with a dose of inspiration! We provide daily motivational quotes and encouraging messages to keep you motivated, remind you of your inner strength, and help you stay positive and determined. ($60/month value)

Monthly Value: $365

Total Annual Value: $4,380

Today's Price: $7.00

for the first month then $47.00 each following month.


Start today for


then $47.00 following months

Need help ordering or have questions?

Send an email to and we'll get back to you ASAP.  

Here's what we'll do together:

Benefit #1: Monthly Group Goals

Each month, the community sets shared goals based on an overall theme. This collaborative approach helps members focus their efforts and work together to achieve common objectives, fostering a sense of unity and purpose.


  • Collaborative Goal Setting: Engage with the community to set and work towards shared monthly goals, promoting a sense of unity and purpose.
  • Focused Progress: Focus your efforts on specific themes that align with your aspirations, ensuring you make meaningful progress.
  • Shared Accountability: Members hold each other accountable for goal achievement, fostering a supportive environment for growth.
  • Collective Achievement: Celebrate the satisfaction of achieving group goals, strengthening the sense of community accomplishment.

Benefit #2: Weekly Check-Ins

Our weekly check-ins are your chance to review your personal goals and receive actionable steps to accomplish them. These one-on-one sessions ensure that you stay on track, make progress, and maintain accountability towards your health and happiness goals.


  • Personalized Guidance: Receive one-on-one guidance and action steps tailored to your specific health and happiness goals.
  • Accountability Assurance: Regular check-ins ensure you remain accountable and stay on track with your personal objectives.
  • Progress Assessment: Reflect on your weekly accomplishments and challenges, allowing you to adjust your approach as needed.
  • Encouragement and Motivation: Stay motivated and driven with regular support and insights from your coach.

Benefit #3: Motivational Quotes & Encouragement

Start your day with a dose of inspiration! We provide daily motivational quotes and encouraging messages to keep you motivated, remind you of your inner strength, and help you stay positive and determined.


  • Inspiration: Start your day on a positive note with motivational quotes and encouraging messages to boost your spirits.
  • Inner Strength Reminder: Receive reminders of your inner strength, resilience, and ability to overcome obstacles.
  • Consistent Positivity: Maintain a positive mindset and stay determined to make progress in your health and happiness journey.
  • Connection with Community: Share daily inspiration with fellow members, creating a sense of togetherness and support.

Benefit #4: Live Coaching Calls and Training

Join our live coaching calls and training sessions, including special guest appearances each month. These interactive sessions offer expert guidance, insights, and tools to empower you on your journey toward a healthier, happier life.


  • Expert Guidance: Access live coaching sessions with valuable insights and guidance from your coach and special guest experts.
  • Interactive Learning: Participate in training sessions and ask questions to deepen your knowledge and skills.
  • Practical Tools: Gain access to tools and strategies that empower you to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.
  • Community Interaction: Interact with community members during live events, creating connections and shared learning experiences.

Benefit #5: Community through a Private Facebook Group

Our user-friendly app is the heart of our community. It's a place to connect with like-minded individuals, seek support, share experiences, and maintain accountability. Building meaningful connections with others who share similar goals is an invaluable part of your journey.


  • Connection and Support: Interact with like-minded individuals through the user-friendly app, fostering connections and a supportive network.
  • Sharing Experiences: Share your own experiences and learn from others in a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Accountability Partners: Form accountability partnerships within the community to help each other stay on track.
  • Convenience and Accessibility: Access the community, resources, and support anytime, anywhere, right from your smartphone or computer.

Ready to turn your pain to purpose and your obstacles into opportunities?

Here's what you're getting when you enroll today:

  • Weekly Check-In Calls: These personalized check-ins help members stay accountable and motivated on their health and happiness journey. ($60/month value)
  • 3 Live Coaching Calls a Month: These live coaching sessions with you provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. Members can ask questions and get real-time assistance. ($225/month value)
  • Interactive App Community: Access to an interactive app community allows members to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive ongoing support and encouragement. ($20/month value)
  • Daily Motivational Quotes and Encouragement: Start your day with a dose of inspiration! We provide daily motivational quotes and encouraging messages to keep you motivated, remind you of your inner strength, and help you stay positive and determined. ($60/month value)

Monthly Value: $365

Total Annual Value: $4,380

Today's Price: $7.00

for the first month then $47.00 each following month.


Start today for


then $47.00 following months

Need help ordering or have questions?

Send an email to and we'll get back to you ASAP.  

Ready to turn your pain to purpose and your obstacles into opportunities?

Here's what you're getting when you enroll today:

  • Weekly Check-In Calls: These personalized check-ins help members stay accountable and motivated on their health and happiness journey. ($60/month value)
  • 3 Live Coaching Calls a Month: These live coaching sessions with you provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. Members can ask questions and get real-time assistance. ($225/month value)
  • Interactive App Community: Access to an interactive app community allows members to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive ongoing support and encouragement. ($20/month value)
  • Daily Motivational Quotes and Encouragement: Start your day with a dose of inspiration! We provide daily motivational quotes and encouraging messages to keep you motivated, remind you of your inner strength, and help you stay positive and determined. ($60/month value)

Monthly Value: $365

Total Annual Value: $4,380

Today's Price: $7.00

for the first month then $47.00 each following month.


Start today for


then $47.00 following months

Need help ordering or have questions?

Send an email to and we'll get back to you ASAP.  

Did someone say extra bonuses to help you become the best version of yourself even faster? 

Here’s what’s included in The Quitters Club Coaching & Community when you enroll today:

Bonus #1: Find Your Why Mini Bootcamp (value: $117)

The self-study bootcamp provides a structured program to help members build and maintain healthy habits. It includes resources, exercises, and guidance to foster positive changes in their lives.

Bonus #2: At Home Workouts (value: $157)

Elevate your fitness journey with our dynamic at-home workouts, designed to bring the gym experience to your living room, so you can achieve your goals on your terms.

Lucas used this program and monthly coaching to get unstuck in his life and gain accountability with his goals.

"Working with Gentry is great! She listens intently and asks good questions that help you get to the result of your issue and comes up with good steps to make the issue better. She also is honest and easy to talk to. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone. She is the best life coach!"

- Lucas

Pat invested in himself and was able to change his life completely.

"After participating in the Healthy Habit Bootcamp my life changed completely. It showed me so many different facets of my life that were in need of a change that I never thought would affect my day-to-day life. So many of the modules made you think and self-reflect and being able to review the modules anytime really helped me with my progress. My daily routines have changed so much, my relationship with food, my financial literacy and responsibility has increased. I’ve been meal prepping and working out consistently. Every day the things I’ve learned in boot camp pop up in my life to make me a better and happier man. Thank you Gentry."

- Pat

Here's why now is the perfect time for you to join this community:

Think about this: there's a stark contrast between where you are now and where you could be with the incredible support and resources this program provides. Right now, you might be feeling stuck, struggling to make lasting changes, or unsure of how to begin your journey towards better health, habits, and happiness. It's natural to feel this way – many of us have been there.

But, here's the thing: nothing changes if you don't make a change. If you continue down the same path, it's unlikely that you'll see the progress and fulfillment you desire. This program is the catalyst for that change you've been looking for. It's the bridge between where you are now and the incredible results you can achieve.

I want you to know that this program isn't available all the time; it's here for a limited time, and once it closes, it might be a while before it reopens. You have an opportunity right now to embark on a journey of personal growth, connection, and transformation, with the support of our amazing community and resources.

Don't let this chance slip away. Make the decision today to invest in yourself and your future. Join our community, take that first step towards positive change, and discover the incredible results that await you.

I believe in your potential, and I'm here to support you every step of the way.


You can spend the next twelve months trying to figure this out on your own, spending a lot more time than you need to, and making more mistakes than necessary… 

Or you can hop into The Quitters Club Coaching & Community and get the shortcut.

Ready to join The Quitters Club Coaching & Community?

Here's what you're getting when you enroll today:

  • Weekly Check-In Calls: These personalized check-ins help members stay accountable and motivated on their health and happiness journey. ($60/month value)
  • 3 Live Coaching Calls a Month: These live coaching sessions with you provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. Members can ask questions and get real-time assistance. ($225/month value)
  • Interactive App Community: Access to an interactive app community allows members to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive ongoing support and encouragement. ($20/month value)
  • Motivational Quotes and Encouragement: Start your day with a dose of inspiration! We provide daily motivational quotes and encouraging messages to keep you motivated, remind you of your inner strength, and help you stay positive and determined. ($60/month value)

Monthly Value: $365

Total Annual Value: $4,380

Today's Price: $7.00

for the first month then $47.00 each following month.


Start today for


then $47.00 following months

Need help ordering or have questions?

Send an email to and we'll get back to you ASAP.  

Ready to join The Quitters Club

Coaching & Community?

Here's what you're getting when you enroll today:

  • Weekly Check-In Calls: These personalized check-ins help members stay accountable and motivated on their health and happiness journey. ($60/month value)
  • 3 Live Coaching Calls a Month: These live coaching sessions with you provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. Members can ask questions and get real-time assistance. ($225/month value)
  • Interactive App Community: Access to an interactive app community allows members to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and receive ongoing support and encouragement. ($20/month value)
  • Motivational Quotes and Encouragement: Start your day with a dose of inspiration! We provide daily motivational quotes and encouraging messages to keep you motivated, remind you of your inner strength, and help you stay positive and determined. ($60/month value)

Monthly Value: $365

Total Annual Value: $4,380

Today's Price: $7.00

for the first month then $47.00 each following month.


Start today for


then $47.00 following months

Need help ordering or have questions?

Send an email to and we'll get back to you ASAP.  


Q: Who is The Quitters Club community for? Should I join?

The "Health, Habits, and Happiness" community is for people who have gone through some hard days, but who want to achieve better health, develop positive habits, and find lasting happiness in their lives. If you're looking for guidance, support, and a community that shares your goals, then you should definitely join.

Q: Will I get instant access?

You will get access to the community immediately upon enrollment. With the bonus self-study course, you'll receive one module per week until the completion of the course. All worksheets and bonuses will be released on a similar schedule.

Q: I'm busy. Do I have time for this?

Absolutely! You can go at your own pace with the "Health, Habits, and Happiness" program. We understand that life can be busy, so you have the flexibility to choose your speed. Plus, as long as you are in the community you will have access to the resources, so you can start slow or dive in quickly. There are also several small victories you can achieve in the first week with the welcome email, so even if you log in and watch, you're already ahead of the crowd.